A stash box is essential for various reasons, such as having kids, prying roommates, or disapproving neighbours. However, not many cannabis users would go the distance to create a proper, comprehensive stash box themselves.
Depending on how serious you are about medicinal marijuana or recreational weed, chances are you’ll have at least some resemblance of a stash box, however rudimentary it may be.
When it comes to cannabis, many of us will come to prefer a particular brand of rolling papers, filters, or even vapes. The more time you spend partaking in everyone’s favourite plant, the deeper you get into the nuances of the product differences.
Similarly, the more involved you get with weed, it’s only natural that your tastes, equipment, and preferences will grow and change as well.
In this way, your initial weed kit of just papers, rollies, and filters may eventually evolve into a more functional, robust stash box with a grinder, humidity-controlled containers, and maybe even a miniature dab rig.
If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, and you want a safe, secure, and scent-free place to keep all of your cannabis and cannabis accessories, stay with us.
In this article, we’re outlining the ins and outs and dos and don’ts of packing the perfect stash box.
What is a Stash Box?

By definition, a stash box can be any container used to ‘stash’ a marijuana user’s weed flower, weed concentrates, and weed accessories.
The design, contents, and functionality of a stash box will vary from user to user. Ultimately, they are personalized to help maintain a user’s unique weed needs and tools.
Stash box containers generally offer odour-protection, ensuring that the pungent, dank smell of the contents within don’t leak out. While many people opt to use a ziplock bag, fragile glass jars/containers, or sometimes even a plastic bag, a stash box can come in wooden, metal, and plastic flavours.
Depending on the make, model, and brand, they can also offer security features such as locks. Features such as these are ideal, particularly if you want to keep these substances out of reach from children or anyone else you don’t want to access your stash.
Depending on your individual circumstances, you may not need all the bells and whistles that these advanced stash boxes offer. However, you should still remain cognizant of what you put into your stash box should you decide it’s time to keep your various products and accessories organized.
If you are a novice cannabis user or aren’t well-versed in the art of organization, don’t panic. We are here to help.
Here are our top 10 picks of what to include in your stash box.
What Should I Put in my Stash Box?
Your Cannabis
The most obvious and vital component of any stash box is the cannabis itself. After all, there’s no point in having a stash box around if you’re not going to be storing weed inside it.
Depending on how much you smoke and what you enjoy smoking, this can be an essential limiting factor in deciding how big and what material your stash box should be made of.
If you’re primarily smoking flower, a wooden stash box and humidity packs should do the trick. If you’re more inclined towards concentrates, you might need a few glass mason jars or switch to a plastic container instead to ensure everything stays clean.
Rolling Papers

A joint is emblematic of classic cannabis consumption, and you can’t roll a joint without a pack of rolling papers. With a stash box, you can customize your papers to the frequency and amount of cannabis you smoke.
If you enjoy smoking in solitary, regular 1-inch rolling papers are great to have. Do you often smoke with friends? Switching to king-sized papers would make more economic sense. Not a fan of rolling joints at all? Cones can be safely stored and protected in any stash box.
Our recommendation would be to include any and all rolling paper varieties that you think you might need in the future. There’s nothing worse than finding out you have no more papers when you’re looking forward to smoking.
Cannabis grinders come in all shapes, types, and sizes, and every user’s grinder preference is bound to be different.
You might have previously been forced to carry around a single chamber grinder or even a penny grinder on your person due to the lack of space your pockets or jacket might have. With a stash box, the power to grind is in your hands.
For most people, we would recommend a three-chamber grinder that can fit comfortably in the palm of your hands when gripped. Three-chamber grinders allow you to collect the fine, potent trichomes of the cannabis plant, which can be added into a joint, smoked in a bowl, or pressed into hashish.
A three-chamber grinder is also large and will give you more space to work with when you’re pinching the weed into your joint. If you don’t have a rolling tray, you’ll come to appreciate the time-savings on clean-up.
Lighter and Wicks

Lighters and wicks are not challenging to find. You will likely come across some variation in nearly every department store or dispensary you come across. However, if you enjoy visiting a specific area or locale to smoke, or if you plan on carrying your stash box on a hike or excursion, not having a lighter is devastating.
When it comes to combusting cannabis, there are two schools of thought that are often butting heads with one another. Many prefer using matches, which many users believe provide greater wind protection than lighters and won’t burn your hand when you’re lighting a bowl.
On the other hand, others support lighters and say that the flame is easier to maintain and more environmentally friendly.
We prefer not to take a stance and would recommend taking both. After all, having an extra method or two to light up your joints never hurts, especially considering how many lighters and matches end up getting pocketed after a sesh.
A hemp wick is also a great choice and is a happy medium between lighters and matches that provide the benefits of both ignition options. They’re environmentally friendly, durable, and resilient.
Eye Drops, Gum & Accoutrements
Aftercare is essential, especially when it comes to enjoying cannabis.
Despite Canada’s federal legalization of weed, the stigma against it holds fast. Depending on where you are, some people may not approve of your partaking in it. Red eyes, pungent breath, and the hanging aroma of cannabis on your clothes are three key indicators in letting the world know you just smoked.
We would suggest packing a container of eye drops, a pack of strongly-flavoured gum, and a travel-sized container of deodorant or body spray inside your stash box to stay ahead of the curve.
Cleaning Supplies
In the same realm as proper aftercare for the user, packing cleaning supplies to clean your accessories once your smoking session has concluded is paramount.
Depending on the type of accessory you used, all kinds of build-up and residue could hinder your next session if you aren’t proactive in cleaning once you’ve finished. It can be quite unpleasant and unsanitary to open your stash box for your subsequent use and find that your accessories are dirty.
It’s enough to turn you off from wanting to smoke from it entirely. Thus, it is crucial to pack the necessary cleaning supplies, such as pipe cleaners and wipes, to ensure that your accessories are spotless and ready to go for your next session.
Miniature Dab Rig

If you are more inclined to cannabis dabs over regular cannabis flower, a miniature dab rig is a must-have. However, these items are not essential for a basic stash box.
These accessories pose the ideal compromise between enjoying concentrates the way they are meant to be enjoyed while still being compact, portable and discreet. In other words, they will still be small enough to fit into your stash box without drawing unnecessary attention.
Whether your favourite items are oils, waxes, or extracts, a miniature dab rig is designed for the reasons mentioned above as well as to maximize the flavour profiles of your favourite cannabis concentrates.
Dabbing Supplies
Whether you want to enjoy the full-sized experience at home or want to indulge somewhere with a miniature dab rig, there is nothing more inconvenient than having everything ready to go only to find that you lack the appropriate accessories.
If you are partial to dabbing as your preferred method of ingestion, be sure that your stash box contains everything you need to do so, including a pick to pick up your preferred concentrate and a nail to heat it to the appropriate temperature.
Miniature Glassware

If you do not want to dab per se but want to upgrade your experience from smoking regular joints, miniature glassware is a viable option.
Similar to a miniature dab rig, a miniature bong such as a bubbler or a glass pipe is an excellent way to enjoy your cannabis whenever, wherever. There are multiple different weed pipes to choose from based on your own personal preference. However, glass pipes are among the most popular due to their durability and smooth smoke.
If you incorporate miniature glassware into your stash box, having the appropriate cleaning supplies is vital. As we mentioned before, smoking with these accessories can result in build-up and residue that can hinder your experience next time.
Thus, it is important to clean these items once you are finished with them.
Food and Water
Depending on the specific cannabis strain you decide to partake in, its effects may include stimulating appetite. This sensation is colloquially referred to as bringing on “the munchies.”
If this is the case, having food on-hand can make or break your experience. As such, even if it’s something small, having some sort of snack in your stash box can be invaluable. Not only that, but smoking on an empty stomach is one of the primary causes of green out, so ensuring that you’ve eaten can be advantageous in this regard, as well.
Additionally, as with any smoke session, it is important to remain hydrated and drink plenty of water to fend off dehydration. There is some evidence to support the fact that cannabis can lower your body’s natural water levels.
Alternative Options to a Stash Box
If you’re a cannabis user that prefers convenience and discretion, carrying around an entire box of marijuana paraphernalia may draw some unwanted attention. Not only that, sometimes you can’t hold these items all at once.
Luckily, there is a solution that allows you to enjoy your cannabis in a portable and under the radar way.
CBD and THC vape pens have quickly become one of the most popular accessories for cannabis users to enjoy their weed any time, anywhere. They are small, discreet and pose the added benefit of being a safer alternative to smoking than more traditional ingestion methods.
This advantage is because vape pens do not burn plant matter. Instead, they heat it to the optimal temperature without having users inhale any harmful carcinogens, tar or excess plant matter.

Vape pens pose a plausible alternative that is also highly efficient to get your dose when you want it.
Hooti Extracts’ THC Distillate Vaporizer Pens are made with our state of the art premium THC distillate accompanied by reintroduced strain-specific terpenes that allow you to enjoy a well-rounded experience that does not compromise flavour or potency.
Stash Box – The Best Place for Your Weed
A stash box isn’t only an excellent place to store your cannabis and accessories. It’s the best place to store your cannabis and accessories.
Being able to grab a box or container and find everything you need to smoke and medicate is a great convenience. Safeguarding the contents inside and the pungent odour as well are also significant advantages.
Additionally, having your flower and other paraphernalia in one location means that your stash is less susceptible to falling into the wrong hands, adding an extra sense of security and safety, as well.
That said, creating or having your own stash box might not be the best option for you. If you’re a social user who only smokes with friends, someone who prefers trying various types of edibles or lives in a cannabis-friendly environment, there are certainly cheaper alternatives.
However, if you’re a frequent cannabis user that likes to keep their flower and cannabis concentrates safe and protected, definitely consider investing in a proper stash box.